Changes to the way we dispatch taxi bookings

Changes to the way we dispatch taxi bookings

We have been reviewing the way we dispatch taxi bookings to you. The main aims of our review were to reduce the time it takes to pickup the customer who travel in our cabs and make it more likely that the customer will be there when we send you a booking. This reduces no trips and an improved experience for the customer resulting in repeat business.

Listed below are the changes made effective 6th July after consultation.

Cover Screen

We have received plenty of feedback from drivers who want more control over what bookings they are offered, especially when the booking is not in the area they plotted.

Since January we have made a series of changes to reduce the distance that cars will be sent to bookings outside the plotted area automatically by GPS dispatch, and instead put those bookings on the cover screen where the driver can choose to bid or not.

We will to continue with this program and dispatch more bookings on cover rather than by GPS.


When drivers reject a booking, it slows down the dispatch process for everyone and makes it more likely that the customer will not be there when the last driver who accepts the booking actually goes to pick them up.

Often the driver is only rejecting the booking because they were genuinely not able to complete the booking but had not bothered to use the tools in the dispatch system to make sure they don’t get offered the booking in the first place.

Previously, drivers were de-plotted when they reject a booking, but could plot straight back in again. We now will de-plot the car for 30 seconds for bookings dispatched from the rank or area they are plotted in. Other bookings will not be affected.

The intention is that if you are plotted in a particular rank or area, you are ready to do any booking in that area. If you are not ready to do a booking in that area, you should not be plotted (or at least on hold).


Like rejects, recalls also slow down the dispatch process and makes the outcome worse for everyone involved, but they take more time to process and are even more disruptive than rejects.

Previously, drivers were given a 30-minute suspension if the recall is for a wheelchair booking or for a job that is taken off cover.

These two rules remain for wheelchairs or for a job taken off cover. For non-wheelchair bookings,  a 10-minute suspension for bookings in the rank or area the car is plotted will apply. Again, if you have chosen to plot to an area and then accept a booking (or choose to take it off cover), you must be ready to complete the booking without delay.

Job Offer – Conditions Displayed

When you are offered a booking the offer screen will tell you if a particular type of car is required (for example, a wheelchair accessible vehicle). This is done so you know the booking requires a specialised car.

Previously, the offer screen will also tell you if the booking is a Contract Booking, but these bookings do not require a specialised car. We will no longer display the condition “Contract Bookings” on the booking offer screen.

Driver Points Update – World’s First Taxi Driver Rewards Program That Redeems Accumulated Points

In September 2019 we introduced Driver’s Points to encourage Drivers to accept more bookings; we fully believed this could lead to better customer service and more repeat business for our fleet.

The original reward for accumulating five points was to be given a priority plot to any relevant rank. Some Drivers liked this reward and others didn’t. The priority plot reward was softened allowing the first car on a rank who had been there for more than 30 minutes to retain that top position.

In March 2019 COVID-19 had started to impact upon demand taxi services as the whole country went into lockdown. At that time, we allowed Driver Points to be used to purchase uniforms and this is still the case.

In June we announced some exciting changes to the Driver Points Program. From 1st July 2021 we will be opening our new Rewards Shop, where drivers will be able to cash in their accumulated points for Australian Gift Cards, Uniforms, ABC Autohub and Taxicomms vouchers.

For more information, email [email protected]

1,000 accumulated points will be worth $25.00, so a driver could redeem a $25.00 Reward Shop item for 1,000 points.

5,000 points will be worth $125.00 in the Rewards Shop.

To know how many points you currently have simply refer to your MDC screen. The best part of our new Rewards Shop is that you can spend your current balance from 1st July 2021.

Drivers will also earn extra bonus points simply by being recognised by our Staff and Customers for excellent customer service standards.

Key Points to the Driver Points Program

For every booking taken off the dispatch system and completed

Earn two (2) points 

For every booking taken off the dispatch system and completed in outer areas

Earn three (3) points 

Complete successfully a vehicle inspection on the first inspection and obtain a perfect result

Earn fifty (50) bonus points to the driver presenting the vehicle

Receive an unsolicited compliment from a customer

Earn twenty (20) points (at Black & White Cabs discretion)

Job Recalls 

Lose four (4) points

Job Reject

Lose two (2) points 

 Private Bookings

 Earn zero (0) points

Rank and Hail trips

Earn zero (0) points

Out of uniform

Lose twenty (20) points

Reported dirty cab

Lose twenty (20) points

Terms and Conditions will apply for points redemption

The Driver applying for points redemption:

  • must have a current DA;
  • must have driven a Black & White Cabs for three (3) consecutie months at the time of applying for points redemption;
  • must have no outstanding customer complaint matters; and
  • must not have been identified for manipulating points for their own gain.