Brad Clarke – Maxi Driver of the Year 2022

Black & White Cabs' Maxi Taxi Driver of the Year posing with his plaque

Brad Clarke – Maxi Driver of the Year 2022

An interview with the 2022 winner of Black & White Cabs Maxi Driver of the year.

Here at Black & White Cabs, we believe in the importance of recognising our internal talent. With that in mind, every year we select the Maxi driver who had the best performance and grant them not only the Maxi Driver of the Year title but also a $750 cash prize.

The Maxi Driver of the Year is chosen based on their overall performance in that specific year. We interviewed 2022’s winner, Brad Clarke, and asked him to share his thoughts along with some tips about how to win 2023’s Maxi Driver of the Year award.

What motivated you to become a Maxi Taxi driver? 

“I was doing seasonal farm work and the season ended when I saw an Ad on Facebook about being a Maxi Taxi driver. I thought “all I [have] to do is drive people around, that sounds easy.””

What is your favourite part about your job?

“My favourite part of this job is literally meeting new people for the first time; everyone is different but they all like to tell you their life stories.”

Black & White Cabs' Maxi Taxi Driver of the Year posing with his plaque
Brad Clarke - Maxi Driver of the Year 2022

What was the most memorable ride you did in 2022? Why was it memorable? 

 “Most memorable ride of 2022 would have been the first time I picked up a young girl and her mother, this young girl had recently been in an accident, but she was all happy and talkative.

On the first ride she would go on to tell me all about herself. We worked out [that] our favourite thing to eat was Pizza. Still today when I go and pick her up, the first thing I ask is “what’s for dinner tonight?”. Her answer is always pizza.”

What are the main differences between working with a regular cab and a maxi cab in your opinion?

“Maxis have more options for jobs. Not only can we do wheelchairs and groups of up to 10, but also with the new design…we are able to pick up [people] who previously had trouble getting into the Maxi Taxis.”

Were you surprised to be nominated for 2022 Driver of the Year? How was your reaction? 

“I was very surprised when Per called me up and told me that I am the Black & White Cabs Maxi Driver of the Year. I was in shock and couldn’t believe it, so, of course, I texted all my family and told them, also told all my regulars and joked around about how they are being driven by the “maxi taxi driver of the year”.”
What recommendations would you give to someone who would like to become 2023’s Driver of the Year? 

“If someone is running for 2023 maxi driver of the year, simply do this: 
Don’t reject jobs, go and do all the jobs Black & White Cabs sends you, even if the wheelchair does not have a TSS card just go do it, but you will have to try and beat me at it again.”
If you could choose the 3 main attributes a cab driver must have to be able to perform well, what would they be? 
“The 3 main attributes I find a driver must have are patience for the elderly and disabled; always having a nice greeting; and, most importantly, going out of your way to help them whether it is with the shopping or helping them inside their home, etc.”
What tips would you give to someone who is just starting their career as a taxi driver? And as a Maxi Taxi driver?

“Always do every job you can.”


The whole team from Black & White Cabs congratulates Brad once again, and we appreciate him taking part in this interview.

Has brad's story inspired you to pursue a career as a maxi taxi driver?